Well Balanced Wellness
Holistic or whole person wellness is health and growth in the four major areas:
Mind (thought life)
Body (health)
Heart (emotions & relationships)
Soul (relationship with God)
But how do we become intentional about growth and balance in these areas. Here are is a simple ways to begin:
List each area (mind, body, heart and soul), next write things that you are currently doing (actions you are taking) in each of those areas. Here is what that might look like:
Reading a book
Be intentional about positive thoughts
Learning something new
Watching a TedTalk
Meditating on bible versus
Healthy eating
Drinking water
Weekly coffee with a mentor
Weekly hang out with friends
Calls with mom
Investing in the relationships in my life
Read the bible
Go to church
These are a few simple ideas to start your own mini plan to bring balance and wellness to a deeper level in your life. Start simple and then add on more details. This is a great exercise you can do each week or each month. It also helps keep us on track during day to day life. From this exercise you can also begin managing your time, intentionally investing in your wellness and creating your schedule and your short term as well as long term goals!
Here is an example of what the next step might look like in adding more detail to your mini wellness plan:
Reading a book - a book that grows me spiritually or a book that teaches me something, read 6 books per year.
Be intentional about positive thoughts - become more aware of when I start focusing on negative thoughts and begin journaling about my thoughts.
Learning something new - pick up a new hobby or deepen knowledge on an existing one, watch a documentary or visit a museum.
Watching a TedTalk
Meditating on bible versus - write down a scripture to memorize and meditate on for the week/month.
Exercise - write out a fitness plan (example; 3 days per week of 30 minutes of cardio and 2 days of lifting weights at the gym) and stick to it.
Healthy eating - eat more veggies. Take time each week to cook healthy foods. Cut back on refined sugar.
Rest - dedicate a whole day each week to relaxing!!!
Drinking water - cut back on other drinks and add more water. Carry water with me and pay attention to how much I drink throughout the day.
Weekly coffee with a mentor - meet weekly with a mentor (business, spiritual or relational mentor), talk to them about my challenges and ask for feedback.
Weekly hang out with friends - schedule 'fun time' with friends, make a list of the friendships I want to focus on investing in and growing this year.
Calls with mom - stay connected and engaged with family. Make time to visit also.
Investing in the relationships in my life - get intentional about growing the important relationships in my life. That might mean spending more time, energy or heart on them.
Pray - talk to God morning and before bed, also during my drive to work. Be more intentional about talking to God in my down times versus spending it online.
Meditate - listen and be present to God. Start with 5 minutes of quiet stillness each day.
Read the bible - begin a daily bible reading plan and devotional
Go to church - show up weekly and get involved (serve, give and get to know people)
The next step after this is to begin adding these things into your daily and weekly schedule. Put them into your calendar the same way you would schedule an important meeting or doctors appointment. Once you have added these action items towards deeper wellness you will have created a simple wellness plan!
Remember, all things in balance and progress not perfection. Start where you are and take small steps forward...these small steps will eventually yield huge results. Practice patience with yourself and celebrate each step you take!
May you be healthy and well!