Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Getting Real...With Ourselves & Others

Two of the most challenging and frightening concepts for me are:


One of the hardest things in the world is allowing myself to be both vulnerable and authentic with people. I think we all, to different varying degrees, have some challenges getting real (authentic and vulnerable) with both ourselves, God and others.

Both vulnerability and authenticity can be scary...what if I'm not accepted or loved? What if someone hurts me? I want to control what happens to me!

In my experience taking that approach to life got me two outcomes:
1. Isolation
2. Self sabotashing reliance

This effects our ability to grow and have true, deep and meaningful relationships....especially with God. He made us to need Him and to rely on Him....even if its scary sometimes!

Imagine your heart as a room with a door. Picture closing the door all the way and locking it. Now imagine being alone in that room surrounded by silence...is it a fulfilling a joyful image? It sure isnt for me! After a short time I would long for sound, people, happiness, smiles, hugs, firnedship, love and life! But nothing can enter through a closed door.

If your heart isnt full of love and joy my question to you is...


As we approch a new year, a new chapter or season of life begins if we choose to crack open the door and challenge ourselves to grow, fail forward and trust God. Learning to grow in the areas of vulnerability and authenticity takes willingness, intentionality and prayer...but the fruit is SO worth it!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Detox The Holidays Away

Detox The Holidays Away
By Rachel Zeskind

Most of us (myself included) can have a tendency to gallop off the reservation nutritionally this time of year. It's a season for giving, sharing time with those we love and of course...eating! Food and the holidays become interwoven as eating, drinking and being merry is a huge part of our culture. I think it is an important part of our culture as well. There was a time in my life when I stuck to my organic healthy meal plan 100 percent of the time, holiday or no holiday. I was so strict and so disciplined with what, when and how I ate that it negatively impacted my ability to enjoy friends, family and life's celebrations. Now, after a few seasons of yo-yo wellness (swinging from strict and regimented to lax and sloth-like) I believe more than ever that the key is ALL THINGS IN BALANCE! Being that strict and regimented was actually not healthy and certainly not balanced.

That being said, hopefully you, like me, decided to indulge in a few cookies, buttered breads and yummy meals (where you didn't ask or care if it was cooked with butter) and even some wine! I'm praying you enjoyed your holidays and those you love fully, in wellness and balance...meaning you didn't restrict yourself to much or over indulge or binge. Either way, 2014 is coming to an end and it is time to clean out the system and start the year a new!

So all the refined sugars, additional sodium (salt), carbohydrates, preservatives and fatty foods have left you a wee bit more toxic, dehydrated and flat out bloated then before the holidays hit. Most people make a huge mistake, they feel crappy so they jump on the scale (usually when they have food and excess liquids in their system making them even heavier versus the more acute first morning weigh in) in order to validate their negative feelings about their post holiday bodies. Ok, STOP! Fist off, that serves no one and nothing positive. We all know by how we feel that we need to clean out and reset...what we do not need to do is weigh in and make ourselves feel bad!

The first step is to stay away from the scale for 3-5 whole days! Give yourself a chance to flush the junk, release water retention and let your body readjust to a more healthy intake of nutrients before trying to determine how much weight you need to lose.

Here are some weight stats that may even help you avoid the scale (and the self abusive thoughts) completely...

If you decided to splurge straight through from thanksgiving through the new year you most likely have gained 5-10 pounds in water retention and somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-15 pounds. If this is you, ok...next year you may decide to make a stronger, more loving choice, as for now...MOVE FORWARD TO THE SOLUTION!

If you approached the holidays with a bit more balance and indulged in a few holiday meals, deserts and cocktails while returning to healthy eating in between you may not have gained any weight at all, you may simply be retaining 3-5 pounds of additional water weight from that added sodium and carbs. In which cases, good for you, hit 3 days of cleansing and get back to your regularly healthy balanced nutrition and fitness plan.

If you were more like the average person, you fell somewhere in the middle. The average weight gain I tend to see in people I have worked with and coached has been about 3-7 pounds of weight gain and about 1-5 pounds of water weight gain from water retention. Again, there is NO NEED TO ABUSE YOURSELF OR PUNISH YOURSELF! Life fluctuates a bit and so does our waist line, so we need to go with the flow. Move towards and grow in your mastery of healthy balance. YOUR VALUE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR BODY. In fact, my experience competing on a national level in fitness is that my body can be the outward best version of itself while my inside (mental and spiritual condition) is at its worst version! That combination is absolutely not the best version of myself! We must find that healthy balance from the outside in and the inside out. We need to have a healthy mental, emotional and spiritual condition as well as a physical condition in order to be the best us we can each be! Please remember that!!!!  

So if you feel like a balloon, follow the cleanse below for 3-5 days and then get yourself committed to a healthy BALANCED fitness, nutrition and wellness plan that serves you creating or developing the best version of yourself....from the inside out and the outside in!

3-5 Day Cleanse
Eat more green veggies then you normally do in addition to a well balanced CLEAN diet! AVOID REFINED SUGAR, DAIRY, GLUTEN, PROCESSED FOODS & ALCOHOL.

During the detox write in your journal. Keep track of how you are feeling. Notice your mood, energy, bowel movements, sleep, etc.

Things you will need:

1. Psyllium Husk powder or capsules

2. Bentonite Clay

(Take the Psyllium Husk and Bentonite clay at the end of the day with water as directed on the labels).

3. Organic Lemons (4 lemons for every 1 gallon of water)

4. Dandelion Root Extract

5. Milk Thistle

(Mix lemon juice in water, take dandelion root extract and milk thistle 3X per day or mix directly into the jug of water that you will drink through out the day. READ THE LABELS ON ALL INGREDIENTS & NEVER EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGES ON THEM!!!)

6. Candisol (Gets rid of all that nasty yeast that builds in your system...especially from refined sugars! Dosages vary so follow the directions on the label. You will dramatically increase the release of dead yeast if you follow up with a colonic.)

7. BPA Free Water bottle (I recommend getting a 1/2 gallon one).

Drink your body weight in ounces of water each day. Mix in a packet of electrolytes for every half gallon. Don’t buy the electrolyte packets with sugar in them!!! Drink Alkaline or Kangen water, it’s the best!

Sweat as much as you can during the cleanse. Cardio, walking in the sun wearing sweats, sauna, hot fitness classes. Always remember to stay hydrated!

Colonics are recommended in addition to the cleanse in order to completely clear you out and give you a fresh start! Your entire intestinal tract and colon will thank you...bye bye butt monkeys!

My recommendation is to use Psyllium Husk Capsules versus the powder. The powder will start to expand in the glass and have to be consumed very quickly, not  everyone loves the texture of it so capsules are a huge win!

The lemon, dandelion & milk thistle 3x a day can be found in liquid drops, so we would take them like a shot OR mix with a days worth of water in one large container and drink through out the day. Also if you find bag/loose leaf of both the milk thistle and dandelion root extract, you can mix them in with hot water for a tea.

If Alkaline or Kangen water is not available, you can purchase PH balancing Alkaline tablets or drops at a place like Whole Foods.

For more extensive cleanse:
*Do a normal 3-5 days, then and do a colonic & stop the clay & husk capsules & dandelion & milk thistle for 7 days, then take clay & husk capsules for the 3 final days. Also do a second colonic two weeks after the first one. I know it doesn't sound fun but then again neither does colon cancer. We must take care of the plumbing that takes care of us!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Answering The Call - Wellness Ministry!


Recently I had the honor of speaking at The International Christian Wellness Conference (ICWC) which was a powerful experience! God is most certainly calling the body of Christ to walk in deeper relationship and in deeper freedoms in and through Him. There has been an incredible answer to the calling to grow, build, plant, water and experience Wellness Ministry within individuals, churches and communities. There is truly a season of revival! God is calling us to deeper freedom, deeper healing and a closer relationship with Him.

A few take-aways from the conference...

1. As leaders we must walk out wellness, not perfectly but intentionally and transparently.
2. Continually LEARN, GROW & SHARE!
3. God is moving! REVIVAL is happening thru wellness ministry.
4. Answering the call is not easy, but worth it!
5. A reminder, it's not about us...it's all about Him!

One of the take-aways I felt God revealed to me thru the conference was in the form of a tugging on my heart to bring clarity and unity in this vision of 'wellness ministry'. What exactly is wellness, what is wellness ministry? So often 'wellness' gets batched into 'fitness' or worldly definitions. God tells us...

I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship. -Romans 12:1 (AMP)


For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, Because we are members (parts) of His body. -Ephesians 5:29, 30 (AMP)

In my book 'Wellness For Christians', I define Christ centered wellness as...

 'Wellness is the (God focused) care and feeding of the mind, body, heart and soul. All things in balance, that is wellness. I would define 'self care' as the actions we take in order to tend to the needs and management of ourselves in order to breed health and wellness holistically (within the WHOLE person). Wellness is a means of worship, praise and obedience to Christ.' 
(to purchase this book click link HERE)

To further clarify wellness ministry and the vision I feel called to share, the mission of a wellness ministry is to... 

Resource members of the body of Christ to grow into the fullest maturity of wellness in Jesus, from the inside out and the outside in.

Church & community resources
RZ Wellness Ministries offers a number of resources, training programs and tools to resource churches and individuals in building wellness ministries and wellness ministry leaders.
Two of these are:

This connect group curriculum helps participants relearn the proper care and balance of their lives
(nutritional, health, overall wellness, fitnes and spiritual growth). Help your group:
1. Set new healthy, balanced and biblical habits
2. Create a wellness plan for all areas of their lives
3. Grow in their relationship with Christ

(individual Total Transformation work books can be purchased HERE)

Well-track (or Wellness Track) is a program created to provide you with information and resources that support and enable you to grow you into a the best version of yourself in Christ (a fully healthy, well & mature follower of Jesus).

This program consists of four different one hour classes that will guide you to life changing next steps. These four classes are What is Wellness 101, Foundations of Christian Wellness 201, Self Discovery 301, and Action Plan 401.

To become certified as a Christian Wellness Coach and ministry leader...click HERE

Invite Rachel to speak at your church, conference, retreat or event...click HERE

For more information on RZ Wellness Ministries visit: www.rzwellnessministries.org
To experience our free resources; messages and moving meditations visit www.body-church.com

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More Than A Rule, Wellness As A Path

Wellness is more than just a rule, it's a direction for the betterment of our lives. God commands us to... 

'love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength' 
-Deuteronomy 6:5

This is His perfect direction for our wellness. Balanced self care (the steps we take that lead to wellness) is a means of honoring that command. whenever I have followed a command it has always turned out to be a HUGE blessing! It wasn't God giving a rule with no reason. What I have discovered, is that His commands leads us
to His perfect will for our lives and to His plan!

'For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.' 
-Jeremiah 29:11

Whenever God tells us actions to take or things to avoid it is like bread crumbs leading us to the best life He planned for us. Our job is to be faithful followers on this path, doing the work to pick up each crumb. 

Step by step He leads us towards Him, towards health, maturity, wisdom, health, joy, love and peace. God asks us to participate by aligning our will with His in order to grow into His well-est version of ourselves...from the inside out and the outside in.

We need to love God with all of ourselves...mind, heart, body and soul. When we ignore one part or hold back from Him, we do not receive all that God planned for us. He is patient, loving, forgiving and merciful with each of us. He continues to throw the bread crumbs and lovingly encourage me to follow Him, even when I refuse to bend down and pick them up.

When I coach individuals in their wellness, each person has always known within their heart what they need to do. They simply need help, encouragement and support in getting back on the path and picking up the crumbs.

May you hunt for those crumbs each day and follow the path towards Gods wellness, one step at a time, enjoying the view as you travel!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Rejoice! Worship in Motion

There is something very powerful about moving worship. When we are in church, worshipping God we tend to sway to the music...it moves us.

And David danced before the Lord with all his might...2 Samuel 6:14(AMP)

In the bible there are many responses recorded of peoples's physical response to encountering Jesus...

And instantly [the man] stood up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went away to his house, recognizing and praising and thanking God.
Luke 5:25

A true and authentic relationship with Jesus changes us, moves us, calls us to move forward. To rejoice and praise!

Rejoicing is not only in our spiritual DNA, it's a command. Rejoice in the Lord....well, rejoicing is a verb...an action. One that manifests in our minds, in our hearts and through out our entire bodies!

And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment.
Mark 12:30(AMP)

Recently I had the joy of serving the Lord through speaking at The International Christian Wellness Conference. It was a conference filled with Wellness Ministry leaders who truly take hold of the command Jesus gives in Mark 12:30. Worship in movement, caring for our whole selves as an act of worship is a truly powerful thing friends!

Love the Lord with all of you...mind, body, heart and soul! Try worshipping Him in movement this week. BE with God as you dedicate your whole bodies to Him.

Worship in movement can look different from person to person. It can be standing and rocking side to side, praising while walking or jogging, exercising or stretching to worship music, dance, or any way the Spirit moves you! Just get with God and let Him move you!

Here is a playlist I created for worship in movement.
You Are God -
Child of God - Kendall Payne
Unshaken - Antioch
Beautiful For Me - Faith Crew
Blessed - Brett Dennen
Relentless - Hillsong United
Zion Interlude - Hillsong United
Oceans - Hillsong United
Show Me Your Glory - Jesus Culture
Hungry - Joy Williams
Rejoice Always - Cardillo Family
From The Depths of Woe - Andrew Osenga & Emily Deloach
Lead Kindly Light - The Lower Lights
Hallelujah - The Digital Age
Lord I Need You - Chris Tomlin
My Soul Longs For You - Jesus Culture

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Relax, He's Got It!

No matter what your calling is, God has selected you and He prepares you! Distracting thoughts and concerns may arise that lead us to question ourselves...am I called? Am I capable? Am I skilled enough, smart enough, wise enough? Can I do this? In these moments WHAT truth are you going to chose to listen to?

Since God formed it, molded it and then called it a fig tree who then are we to question whether a fig tree was designed to, or capable of bearing figs as fruit. We were created for a purpose, we are uniquely designed and equipped for our calling. We can rest & RELAX in the peace of Gods love KNOWING that He's got it! It is not the fig trees job to question how it was made or if it was designed correctly to serve its function.

Exodus 31:2-8AMP

God knows every single detail to give us the capability & He will give us every resource we need to accomplish what He has called for us to do. It is not by our own strength or wisdom...

Then he said to me, This [addition of the bowl to the candlestick, causing it to yield a ceaseless supply of oil from the olive trees] is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit [of Whom the oil is a symbol], says the Lord of hosts.
-Zechariah 4:6 (AMP)

It is not our job to equip ourselves for Gods call, it is our job to answer God's call daily by remaining close to Him in His presence. If we keep FOLLOWING Him then all other things will be added...

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.
-Matthew 6:33-34 (AMP)

Knowing all of this I pray this prayer, the words of King David for you:
And now, O Lord God, You are God, and Your words are truth, and You have promised this good thing to Your servant. Therefore now let it please You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You; for You, O Lord God, have spoken it, and with Your blessing let [his] house be blessed forever.
-2 Samuel 7:28-29 (AMP)

May your day be blessed with the joy and peace of the Lord!
For more information on my work, wellness ministry, or the Body Church ministry please visit

Connect further on social networking sites:
Twitter - @RachelZDavis or @body_church
Instagram - @RachelZDavis or @body_church
Facebook Pages-  Rachel Z Davis or Body Church
Pintrest - Rachel Z Davis or Body Church

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Know You Are Enough!

It is so easy to fall into the cycle of self judgement. There are so many images and cultural opinions being launched at us constantly. Subconsciously they can creep up and begin trying to form our thoughts and definition of self. 

When we notice negative self judgement sneaking into our thought life it is time to 
PUMP THE BRAKES and stop getting into agreement with these thoughts!

When we begin judging ourselves and making lists of all the things that are wrong with us we are simply being FAITHLESS and self reliant in these moments. We are saying WE know better than God. In those moments we are also acting or putting into action (by focusing and repeating such thoughts, then behaving as if they were fact) a choice to believe that our thoughts are higher than God's thoughts. We are criticizing the unique and vert PURPOSEFUL way God 'knit us together'. 

In the bible it doesn't say God tripped, spilled a bunch of paint colors together that randomly landed on a hunk of clay and THAT became us. No! He older us, He knit us, He knows, planned and created EVERY detail. Let's all stop listening the the lies of the enemy and turn our focus back to worshipping God, and celebrating EVERY one of His creations...including ourselves!

Fight the lies with God's TRUTH!

Scriptures to KNOW who you are & HOW you are made! 
Psalm 139
Philippians 1:6
Roman 11:29
Ephesians 4:16
Colossians 2:19
Psalm 22:10
Psalm 71:6
Psalm 66:10
Exodus 35:31
Genesis 2:7

For more information on my work, wellness ministry, or the Body Church ministry please visit

Connect further on social networking sites:
Twitter - @RachelZDavis or @body_church
Instagram - @RachelZDavis or @body_church
Facebook Pages-  Rachel Z Davis or Body Church
Pintrest - Rachel Z Davis or Body Church

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Leaders Get Down & Dirty

So often as Christian leaders we allow culture to influence how we lead and also what it means to be a leader. Jesus is Lord and king of the universe. The most powerful, magnificent, huge, incredible ALL knowing being ever...so Jesus could have simply come down to earth, delivered some poignant sermons on how to do life correctly, how to get saved, how to follow God and then just said 'peace out' and buzzed up to heaven...

But Jesus didn't do that. He walked around, a LOT, going from place to place, rolling up his sleeves, making sure to mix in with people, share life and get His hands dirty SERVING others. He chose to walk it out and show everyone not just through His words, but by His actions.

We need to use Jesus as our model and ultimate definition for leadership. The greatest leaders by Gods standards are those who follow closely on the heels of Jesus. Leaders SERVE. Leaders are the first one in, the last one out. Leaders are the ones to climb into the mess and not just call in a cleaning crew.

So when He had finished washing their feet and had put on His garments and had sat down again, He said to them, Do you understand what I have done to you? You call Me the Teacher (Master) and the Lord, and you are right in doing so, for that is what I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher (Master), have washed your feet, you ought [it is your duty, you are under obligation, you owe it] to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you this as an example, so that you should do [in your turn] what I have done to you. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, A servant is not greater than his master, and no one who is sent is superior to the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them].
-John 13:12-17

Monday, May 20, 2013

Leader As Followers

Leaders As Follows
By Rachel Z Davis

What the Bi-b-l-e Says
When our culture defines leaders it says; A leader is in charge, a leader is above, a leader is the ruler, the decision maker, a leader is the one who reigns....'Our fearless leader'. According to the urbandictionary.com:
A leader is some one who has the ability to inspire others to achieve tasks and goals that they might not other wise be capable of reaching. Example: 'Amy is a really good leader. She got everyone involved in the class debate, even the usual kids who sleep through the class'. So Amy was a leader because she was good at getting people to do what she wanted them to do. Most leaders recognized in our culture Make stuff happen, with a capitol M for muscle and the muscle is their own. Work, sweat and tears...boldly going where no one has gone before. They see, they conquer.

Other definitions by our culture include:
Leadership is great men and women with certain preferred traits influencing followers to do what the leaders wish in order to achieve group/organizational goals that reflect excellence defined as some kind of higher level effectiveness. - Joseph Rost

Leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations--the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations--of both leaders and followers.
- James MacGregor Burns

Here are some popular or commonly known great leaders defined by our culture with leadership skills that effected the world tremendously either in a good way or bad way: George Washington, Adolf Hitler & Winston Churchill.

As leaders in ministry, as leaders in following Christ we can not define our role by our cultures definition of a leader, only by what the bible says about leadership roles and what those look like. According to Christ's words and actions leaders are the greatest servants....they SERVE instead of seeking to be served.

Leaders Get Down & Dirty
Jesus is Lord and king of the universe. The most powerful, magnificent, huge, incredible ALL knowing being ever...so Jesus could have simply come down to earth, delivered some poignant sermons on how to do life right, how to get saved and how to follow God and then just said 'peace out' and buzzed up to heaven. But He didn't do that. He walked around, a LOT, going from place to place, rolling up his sleeves, making sure to mix in with people, share life and get His hands dirty SERVING others. He chose to walk it out and show everyone not just through His words, but by His actions.

We need to use Jesus as our model and ultimate definition for leadership. The greatest leaders by Gods standards are those who follow closely on the heels of Jesus. Leaders SERVE. Leaders are the first one in, the last one out. Leaders are the ones to climb into the mess and not just call in a cleaning crew.

So when He had finished washing their feet and had put on His garments and had sat down again, He said to them, Do you understand what I have done to you? You call Me the Teacher (Master) and the Lord, and you are right in doing so, for that is what I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher (Master), have washed your feet, you ought [it is your duty, you are under obligation, you owe it] to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you this as an example, so that you should do [in your turn] what I have done to you. I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, A servant is not greater than his master, and no one who is sent is superior to the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed and happy and to be envied are you if you practice them [if you act accordingly and really do them].
-John 13:12-17 (AMP)

Speak Their Language, Don't Expect Them To Know Yours
If any of you have ever tried to teach someone something you most likely have experienced that people learn differently. Some people learn kinesthetic (physically or by doing) some auditorial (by hearing), and some visually (by seeing). Jesus was the ultimate leader, he taught using all three. But for many the most powerful message is the one received in the heart through experiencing and observing the love of Christ first hand. He SHOWED us love through His actions, not just words. He walked it out for us first so that there were fresh prints in the snow to follow back onto the trail.

As leaders we are called to FOLLOW His tracks, walk in His steps and mark the path for the next person to follow. As leaders we must be followers, truly learning how to die to self more each day and growing in Him.

Wonder Woman & Her Invisible Jet
To some of my single friends I am a leader because I am walking out marriage as a Christian woman before they are. I am marking the tracks to the trail. They are learning from watching me, listening to me and experiencing me being transformed into a more Godly wife day by day. They are also learning from me by watching me fall down and use Gods ways to help me back up.

I am not a leader to them because I said so, because I'm smart, or popular, or good it stuff. It's not a title or position, it's a willingness to follow Jesus. A willingness to walk my walk transparently. To be brave enough to trust Him and let go of my plans and my ways and to follow His leading.

Leaders are leading other people to trusting and relying on Jesus, and deepening their relationships with Jesus because they have seen the leader do it in their own life. We, as leaders have marked the path. We have been in the trenches and we have dared to fly the course like Wonder Woman in an invisible jet for all to see and learn from so there is safety in a freshly marked path for others. And if we are good leaders we are walking in the tracks of other leaders who came before us...and all of us are walking as closely in the footsteps of Jesus as possible.

Even if someone's path as a follower is trying to navigate a different set of struggles then your own, our freshly marked path will still lead them to Jesus. Why? Because if we walk out our issues and are led to a deeper freedom in Christ then they will remember that. People relate to each others resources. We remember survival tools, and when someone sees us face a mountain or a pile of rubble from the wreckage of our past, or a brick wall in our lives today, and we pull our bibles out and use what it tells us as a hammer to knock down that obstacle, people will feel safer trying Jesus as the solution to their struggles.

Again, the greatest leaders by Gods standards are those who follow closely on the heels of Jesus.

Unworthy Syndrome
I think one of the most common attacks on the minds of Christian leaders is the enemy planting seeds of doubt about their ability to fulfill their calling as leaders. The enemy tries to get us to agree and doubt ourselves because we make mistakes and aren't perfect. Thankfully WE don't need to fulfill the calling on our life. We just need to keep following JESUS. He will do the work in us.

The bible tells us that 'being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.'
-Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

 'He who began a good work in (and that also means through you) you shall complete it' which is great news! We don't have to be perfect, or worthy or achieve or strive.

In the book 'Jesus Is___', the author Judah Smith transparently writes:
'...I'm embarrassed I still struggle with my big mouth. But i'm not going to adopt an attitude of false humility: "I'm not worthy of being a pastor. I will never preach again." I was never worthy in the first place. Its not about me. It's about God, about grace, and helping people in my church and my city meet Jesus'.

All of us fall short, knowing that makes us rely on Jesus and us relying on and submitting to the leadership of Christ makes us good leaders.

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down;you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
-Psalms 139:1-5 (NIV)

For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]
-Romans 11:29 (AMP)

No Need For A Snowsuit In Summer
There is a season for everything....as a leader we need to serve & lead as we honor each season. Seasons are critical to pay attention to. There are actually certain journeys that if you take them in the wrong season you can die, and some that at the very least, if you take in the wrong season will go from being an amazing experience to a terrible one. Seasons are not necessarily saying 'don't ever go', but they are clearly showing the BEST time, the most effective time, and the most blessed time and way to go. God's word says:
TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
-Ecclesiastes 3:1 (AMP)

But who are we to try to make summer last even one day longer? We can not! Only God decides how long a season is, the temperature, the direction of the wind. Sometimes as leaders we may get attached to the mission, the team, the structure of ministry, but can we remain more attached to Jesus? Can we keep our focus on serving and following the Lord and hold the ministry with an open hand so that God can mold and transform it in His timing and season? Can we be like a leaf riding the wind and allow God to be the power and direction that carries us?

How silly would it be to show up to a pool party in July wearing a snowsuit? Sometimes when we cling to how we see serving God or how we think it should be going or how we think it should be structured we miss the season completely. More importantly, we can miss the point, to serve our awesome God! So before we forge ahead 'serving God' the way we think He wants us to, let's always remember to call ahead for the weather report. Don't be 'that guy' at the pool party, that's just embarrassing.

Let us listen to God if He calls you to serve Him in a different way or calls you into a new season. Do not hang or cling to the old season. He makes all things new. To be in His presence is to follow Him in the now.There is a season for everything and we don't always know the why or even the how....

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,  So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
-Isaiah 55:8-11 (AMP)

I Got Angels On My Side
You know the saying Rome wasn't built in a day? Well Rome also most certainly wasn't built alone. Even Jesus relied on the father, had a close inner circle & prayed with those he loved. Since Jesus is our true super model we need to do the same. As leaders we need to spend time leaning into God, praying and interceding for those we serve and also building a team of support. Developing your prayer force & team of intercessors (people praying and petitioning God on your behalf for protection, guidance, wisdom and Gods will in your ministry) is critical. We need these life lines interceding for us.

Many pastors, preachers and Christian speakers do not even begin their messages or step onto the stage or up to the pulpit until they have had Gods angel armies commanded and the presence of the Holy Spirit going before them. I am not saying that our own prayers are not powerful and effective but the bible clearly says that when there are two or more gathered in His name that He is in our midst. Also, again if Jesus did it, and He's the ultimate super model for leadership, then we should as well.

Be Rooted
We don't have to get it right. We do not produce the 'good' works, therefor neither can we take credit for the successes or perceived failures.

Philippians 1:6 AMP
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you."

Be attached to the mission of serving God, not the path...remaining flexible to Gods call, timing and plan means that we don't get attached to the ministry, the team, the structure of how we serve God but remain poised to hear Gods voice and willing to respond. Do not remain out of season....Gods call can not be revoked...

"Don't imagine us leaders to be something we aren't. We are servants of Christ, not his masters. We are guides into God's most sublime secrets, not security guards posted to protect them. The requirements for a good guide are reliability and accurate knowledge. It matters very little to me what you think of me, even less where I rank in popular opinion. I don't even rank myself. Comparisons in these matters are pointless. I'm not aware of anything that would disqualify me from being a good guide for you, but that doesn't mean much. The Master makes that judgment. So don't get ahead of the Master and jump to conclusions with your judgments before all the evidence is in. When he comes, he will bring out in the open and place in evidence all kinds of things we never even dreamed of—inner motives and purposes and prayers. Only then will any one of us get to hear the "Well done!" of God. All I'm doing right now, friends, is showing how these things pertain to Apollos and me so that you will learn restraint and not rush into making judgments without knowing all the facts. It's important to look at things from God's point of view. I would rather not see you inflating or deflating reputations based on mere hearsay. For who do you know that really knows you, knows your heart? And even if they did, is there anything they would discover in you that you could take credit for? Isn't everything you have and everything you are sheer gifts from God? So what's the point of all this comparing and competing? You already have all you need. You already have more access to God than you can handle. Without bringing either Apollos or me into it, you're sitting on top of the world—at least God's world—and we're right there, sitting alongside you! It seems to me that God has put us who bear his Message on stage in a theater in which no one wants to buy a ticket. We're something everyone stands around and stares at, like an accident in the street. We're the Messiah's misfits. You might be sure of yourselves, but we live in the midst of frailties and uncertainties. You might be well-thought-of by others, but we're mostly kicked around. Much of the time we don't have enough to eat, we wear patched and threadbare clothes, we get doors slammed in our faces, and we pick up odd jobs anywhere we can to eke out a living. When they call us names, we say, "God bless you." When they spread rumors about us, we put in a good word for them. We're treated like garbage, potato peelings from the culture's kitchen. And it's not getting any better. I'm not writing all this as a neighborhood scold just to make you feel rotten. I'm writing as a father to you, my children. I love you and want you to grow up well, not spoiled. There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father. I'm not, you know, asking you to do anything I'm not already doing myself. This is why I sent Timothy to you earlier. He is also my dear son, and true to the Master. He will refresh your memory on the instructions I regularly give all the churches on the way of Christ. I know there are some among you who are so full of themselves they never listen to anyone, let alone me. They don't think I'll ever show up in person. But I'll be there sooner than you think, God willing, and then we'll see if they're full of anything but hot air. God's Way is not a matter of mere talk; it's an empowered life. So how should I prepare to come to you? As a severe disciplinarian who makes you toe the mark? Or as a good friend and counselor who wants to share heart-to-heart with you? You decide."
1 Corinthians 4:1-21 MSG

Follow Jesus closely and be rooted deeply in God and in faith, then Gods word says: And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].
-Psalms 1:3 (AMP)

No Christian-ese Please
There are many different amazing leaders out there that God uses impact-fully for the kingdom. Each of them are like a different flavor of ice-cream with their own unique little twists...mint coconut chocolate chip, almond health bar Oreo, chocolate banana crunch. Understanding that not everyone knows, understands or relates to Christian-ese is important and understanding that God gave you your special unique voice is important. Love and honor the flavor ice-cream you are! God gave us each a very unique personality and very unique testimony. God asks us to be a good steward of what is in our hands, to use what is in our hands and not what isn't. So be real, be transparent and use all the ingredients that make up you for serving the Lord in God's divine purpose, calling and season.

So to wrap it up, you who wish to lead, SERVE! True leaders are true follows of Jesus! Become experts at serving, get a masters degree in serving...in short get in the mud, roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Follow Jesus!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Relying on God

Relying on God - A Body Church Message By Rachel Z Davis

How many of us seek God and rely on God only when we have no choice and no control over a situation or we are end the end of our ropes because we have relied on ourselves and our own human faults and failures or our own will lets us down, or lands us in a place that feels bad. But are we truly relying on God when our day is going well, when work is great and relationships are sailing along smoothly? 

And [Jesus] asked his father, How long has he had this? And he answered, From the time he was a little boy. And it has often thrown him both into fire and into water, intending to kill him. But if You can do anything, do have pity on us and help us. And Jesus said, [You say to Me], If You can do anything? [Why, ] all things can be (are possible) to him who believes! At once the father of the boy gave [an eager, piercing, inarticulate] cry with tears, and he said, Lord, I believe! [Constantly] help my weakness of faith! 
-Mark 9:19-29 (AMP)

And when [Apollos] wished to cross to Achaia (most of Greece), the brethren wrote to the disciples there, urging and encouraging them to accept and welcome him heartily. When he arrived, he proved a great help to those who through grace (God’s unmerited favor and mercy) had believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ as Lord and Savior). For with great power he refuted the Jews in public [discussions], showing and proving by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah).
-Acts 18:27-28 (AMP)

So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no hurt of any kind was found on him because he believed in (relied on, adhered to, and trusted in) his God.
-Daniel 6:23 (AMP)

Acquaint now yourself with Him [agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will] and be at peace; by that [you shall prosper and great] good shall come to you. Receive, I pray you, the law and instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart. 
-Job 22:21-22 (AMP)

This message is most trustworthy, and concerning these things I want you to insist steadfastly, so that those who have believed in (trusted in, relied on) God may be careful to apply themselves to honorable occupations and to doing good, for such things are [not only] excellent and right [in themselves], but [they are] good and profitable for the people.
-Titus 3:8 (AMP)

Know Your Value, Here's a Mini Reminder


As you have therefore received Christ, [even] Jesus the Lord, [so] walk (regulate your lives and conduct yourselves) in union with and conformity to Him.
-Colossians 2:6 (AMP)

Such [practices] have indeed the outward appearance [that popularly passes] for wisdom, in promoting self-imposed rigor of devotion and delight in self-humiliation and severity of discipline of the body, but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of the flesh (the lower nature). [Instead, they do not honor God but serve only to indulge the flesh.]
-Colossians 2:23 (AMP)

What Is Balance?

What is Balance?
By Rachel Z Davis

Balance looks different for every person, every lifestyle and every set of goals within the season of your life. Finding it is a journey of self discovery and an artful practice of self love, nurturing and care.

The question is ARE YOU CARING FOR & TREATING YOURSELF WITH LOVE? Are you gently working on balance and self care, learning how to take care of yourself out of love instead of a need to fix yourself in order to be accepted, desired, approved or good enough? Meditate and pray about what balance would look like in in your life and then challenge yourself out of love to set some goals that can help bring balance and peace where there may be business or chaos. But remember, always act out of love which is the most powerful force for change!

Creating Wellness
Wellness and balance go hand in hand. You can not have one without the other. Find balance and you will find wellness and vice versa. But what is wellness? It has been a hot buzz word in the news and in magazine articles, but how would one describe it?
I describe wellness as the care and feeding of the mind, body and spirit. All things in balance, that is wellness!

Wellness includes balancing all areas of life such as family, work, healthy relationships, finances and health. Wellness needs a plan of action to facilitate balance in health in the following areas:
Learning about your body
Fitness and physical activity
Stress release

Wellness doesn't happen by accident. Wellness takes (daily) time, energy and intentionality! May you always choose to BE WELL!

Your Life As A Bumper Sticker

Your Life As A Bumper Sticker

If your life was a bumper sticker what message would it send? What does your life say? Do people leave your presence more blessed then when they entered it? Do you uplift others? What attitude do you wear on your sleeve the way a car wears a bumper sticker? Is it: 'I love God and I love you' or 'It's all about me-me-me'?

What message does your life send to others? Do you make a good ad or bumper sticker or a bad one? Do people bump into your life and think, wow, that's one unhappy, stressed out person? If so, you probably aren't experiencing the fruits of God...love, peace, and joy to name a few. Our life doesn't send out a bumper sticker message that isn't what we are experiencing. I know a lot of us think we can cover it up or keep it under wraps but we are not that good. What's happening on the inside always manifests on the outside.

It might not sneak out and rear it's ugly head all the time but think of the different bumper sticker moments in your life....
At work...
Driving in traffic...
What if a person looked in your closet
In your bank account transactions
Your credit card purchases
In your refrigerator
In your mind....
Would it be a bumper sticker for love?

What areas do you need to allow God to come in and clean up? We don't do it by our might, but God can and will if we FULLY surrender the area to Him. That also means that we have to be willing to follow Him, the nudging we feel in our hearts, the way we feel we are being led to make changes.
Let go & let God. 

So again I ask, what message are you sending out there? I ask you to look at this so that you can get a clearer glimpse into your heart and see the areas you might need to get more hearing and balance within.