Monday, September 23, 2013

Answering The Call - Wellness Ministry!


Recently I had the honor of speaking at The International Christian Wellness Conference (ICWC) which was a powerful experience! God is most certainly calling the body of Christ to walk in deeper relationship and in deeper freedoms in and through Him. There has been an incredible answer to the calling to grow, build, plant, water and experience Wellness Ministry within individuals, churches and communities. There is truly a season of revival! God is calling us to deeper freedom, deeper healing and a closer relationship with Him.

A few take-aways from the conference...

1. As leaders we must walk out wellness, not perfectly but intentionally and transparently.
2. Continually LEARN, GROW & SHARE!
3. God is moving! REVIVAL is happening thru wellness ministry.
4. Answering the call is not easy, but worth it!
5. A reminder, it's not about's all about Him!

One of the take-aways I felt God revealed to me thru the conference was in the form of a tugging on my heart to bring clarity and unity in this vision of 'wellness ministry'. What exactly is wellness, what is wellness ministry? So often 'wellness' gets batched into 'fitness' or worldly definitions. God tells us...

I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship. -Romans 12:1 (AMP)


For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, Because we are members (parts) of His body. -Ephesians 5:29, 30 (AMP)

In my book 'Wellness For Christians', I define Christ centered wellness as...

 'Wellness is the (God focused) care and feeding of the mind, body, heart and soul. All things in balance, that is wellness. I would define 'self care' as the actions we take in order to tend to the needs and management of ourselves in order to breed health and wellness holistically (within the WHOLE person). Wellness is a means of worship, praise and obedience to Christ.' 
(to purchase this book click link HERE)

To further clarify wellness ministry and the vision I feel called to share, the mission of a wellness ministry is to... 

Resource members of the body of Christ to grow into the fullest maturity of wellness in Jesus, from the inside out and the outside in.

Church & community resources
RZ Wellness Ministries offers a number of resources, training programs and tools to resource churches and individuals in building wellness ministries and wellness ministry leaders.
Two of these are:

This connect group curriculum helps participants relearn the proper care and balance of their lives
(nutritional, health, overall wellness, fitnes and spiritual growth). Help your group:
1. Set new healthy, balanced and biblical habits
2. Create a wellness plan for all areas of their lives
3. Grow in their relationship with Christ

(individual Total Transformation work books can be purchased HERE)

Well-track (or Wellness Track) is a program created to provide you with information and resources that support and enable you to grow you into a the best version of yourself in Christ (a fully healthy, well & mature follower of Jesus).

This program consists of four different one hour classes that will guide you to life changing next steps. These four classes are What is Wellness 101, Foundations of Christian Wellness 201, Self Discovery 301, and Action Plan 401.

To become certified as a Christian Wellness Coach and ministry HERE

Invite Rachel to speak at your church, conference, retreat or HERE

For more information on RZ Wellness Ministries visit:
To experience our free resources; messages and moving meditations visit

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More Than A Rule, Wellness As A Path

Wellness is more than just a rule, it's a direction for the betterment of our lives. God commands us to... 

'love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength' 
-Deuteronomy 6:5

This is His perfect direction for our wellness. Balanced self care (the steps we take that lead to wellness) is a means of honoring that command. whenever I have followed a command it has always turned out to be a HUGE blessing! It wasn't God giving a rule with no reason. What I have discovered, is that His commands leads us
to His perfect will for our lives and to His plan!

'For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.' 
-Jeremiah 29:11

Whenever God tells us actions to take or things to avoid it is like bread crumbs leading us to the best life He planned for us. Our job is to be faithful followers on this path, doing the work to pick up each crumb. 

Step by step He leads us towards Him, towards health, maturity, wisdom, health, joy, love and peace. God asks us to participate by aligning our will with His in order to grow into His well-est version of ourselves...from the inside out and the outside in.

We need to love God with all of ourselves...mind, heart, body and soul. When we ignore one part or hold back from Him, we do not receive all that God planned for us. He is patient, loving, forgiving and merciful with each of us. He continues to throw the bread crumbs and lovingly encourage me to follow Him, even when I refuse to bend down and pick them up.

When I coach individuals in their wellness, each person has always known within their heart what they need to do. They simply need help, encouragement and support in getting back on the path and picking up the crumbs.

May you hunt for those crumbs each day and follow the path towards Gods wellness, one step at a time, enjoying the view as you travel!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Rejoice! Worship in Motion

There is something very powerful about moving worship. When we are in church, worshipping God we tend to sway to the moves us.

And David danced before the Lord with all his might...2 Samuel 6:14(AMP)

In the bible there are many responses recorded of peoples's physical response to encountering Jesus...

And instantly [the man] stood up before them and picked up what he had been lying on and went away to his house, recognizing and praising and thanking God.
Luke 5:25

A true and authentic relationship with Jesus changes us, moves us, calls us to move forward. To rejoice and praise!

Rejoicing is not only in our spiritual DNA, it's a command. Rejoice in the Lord....well, rejoicing is a action. One that manifests in our minds, in our hearts and through out our entire bodies!

And you shall love the Lord your God out of and with your whole heart and out of and with all your soul (your life) and out of and with all your mind (with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding) and out of and with all your strength. This is the first and principal commandment.
Mark 12:30(AMP)

Recently I had the joy of serving the Lord through speaking at The International Christian Wellness Conference. It was a conference filled with Wellness Ministry leaders who truly take hold of the command Jesus gives in Mark 12:30. Worship in movement, caring for our whole selves as an act of worship is a truly powerful thing friends!

Love the Lord with all of you...mind, body, heart and soul! Try worshipping Him in movement this week. BE with God as you dedicate your whole bodies to Him.

Worship in movement can look different from person to person. It can be standing and rocking side to side, praising while walking or jogging, exercising or stretching to worship music, dance, or any way the Spirit moves you! Just get with God and let Him move you!

Here is a playlist I created for worship in movement.
You Are God -
Child of God - Kendall Payne
Unshaken - Antioch
Beautiful For Me - Faith Crew
Blessed - Brett Dennen
Relentless - Hillsong United
Zion Interlude - Hillsong United
Oceans - Hillsong United
Show Me Your Glory - Jesus Culture
Hungry - Joy Williams
Rejoice Always - Cardillo Family
From The Depths of Woe - Andrew Osenga & Emily Deloach
Lead Kindly Light - The Lower Lights
Hallelujah - The Digital Age
Lord I Need You - Chris Tomlin
My Soul Longs For You - Jesus Culture